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Are you ready to make the best decisions to start your business?

Many start-up founders, entrepreneurs, influencers and business owners jump to start a business because they have the passion, clear vision and problems want to solve.

Most entrepreneurs hit rock bottom before they start their own business and usually it’s not an overnight success, they might have been working on the ideas and others have already built the skills years before they jump into entrepreneurship.

Here are three ways to know whether you’re ready to jump to entrepreneurial or start-up journey;

First, You are passionate about solving a problem.

Bill Gates is an entrepreneur that pursue his passion and at a young age while on his eighth grade managed to get excuse from his math class to design video games on computers. Microsoft solves the office needs and provide the programs needed in our modern world.

Second, Clear Vision of the future.

We have too many business ideas but the one that is succeeding are those entrepreneurs that are laser focused to achieve one goal for their business. It’s very important to know exactly how do you see your business three years from today. Have a clear vision.

Third, Prepare for the worst-case scenario.

Start-Up founders always have a plan B and if plan B won’t work, they already prepared for plan C. We can be too optimistic that once you launched your start-up, it will succeed but we need to check and balance for the possible worst case scenario. It’ s also very important to set aside a financial cushion in case the business did not bring any income for the next 3 to 6 months.

As start-up entrepreneurs, we need to have the passion, clear vision and prepare a plan A, B, C or even used up all the alphabet letters. Entrepreneurs don’t easily give up.

What about you? Are you ready to jump to your start-up journey?

If you need any assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us

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